Review: The Lunar Effect - Strange Lands

The Lunar Effect are a "four piece psychedelic rock band from London and Hertfordshire" - wouldn't have put Hertfordshire down as a hotbed of searing psychedelic desert rock...shows what I know eh?. What I do know, however, is that 'Strange Lands' is a fine album, full of vim and verve and yet maintaining a thoughtful edge...oh, and some pretty damned cool riffs! It came about apparently because the band's former record label spent so long dicking about and never released it so the band went and remade it and put it out themselves...all power to you guys.
'A Ballad for the Tin Man' opens the album with some pretty cool riffs that hover on that line that divides psychedelic from out and out rock a la AC/DC. Its the vocals that drag the tune from the rock arena...clean with no rock histrionics. Just over halfway through there is a great heavy psych break that highlights the joys to come. 'Jack & Jill' has a more traditional rock structure with some good ol' fashioned axe-slinging and powerhouse drums. 'Into The Ether' follows the same recipe but maybe a tad mellower...the quieter sections offering some respite from the onslaught of fuzzy guitars. The song structure itself is enough to keep the listener interested....there is variety within the track that shows a creative edge to these guys - not content with plugging in and going hell for leather, but rather thinking about 'the bigger picture'...kudos! 'So Far Gone' opens with some great riffage and pummeling drums before the distinctive vocals come in. 'Molecular Curiosity', apart from having a great title, starts with some sub-doom riffs that are hard n' heavy but again the intelligent use of vocals make this a cracking track.... fuzzy and down in the mix and the heavy psych guitars are ace, again fuzzy and strident. 'Sail For The Moon' closes the album and is, for me, easily the standout track. A much more sedate opening with mournful piano and bursts of Floydian psych guitar. The juxtaposition of the heartfelt lyrics and impassioned vocals with heavy riffs makes for a rollercoaster of a track that ends with some muted piano, electronic effects and barely heard heartbeat.
'Strange Lands' is a pretty cool album....plenty of meaty guitars backed with a formidable rhythm section all rounded off with some cool vocals and intelligent lyrics where a lesser band would fall into the rather hackneyed territory of screaming/growling about sex, drugs and the devil. There is no denying that these guys know how to play and have the nous to put things together in a well thought out manner. Great stuff....their record label's loss is most definitely our gain. 'Strange Lands' can be streamed and purchased as a download via the band's Bandcamp page here - just £ know it makes sense.
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