Review: Boring Machines

Boring Machines from Italy are a label that have been firmly on my radar since the release of the stunning Heroin In Tahiti 'Sun & Violence' LP last year, an album that was easily my fave from last year and well up in my all time favourites list. The label's output is eclectic and is one of the main players on Italian Occult Psychedelia scene - a subject dear to my musical heart. This year the label has released some stunning material and deserves a post of its own to highlight these releases, especially as it is celebrating its 10th birthday....buon compleanno!
PASSED - Illuminant/Glory

PASSED is a mysterious character, shrouded in darkness, his mind is on higher things....I quote from the press release "A ritual which marks the existence of an individual and takes him to a point of no return, where perpetuation and sonic layering are medium towards the discovery of a new awareness.....Passed is a gash over the rediscovery of his nature, death as a compulsory transition for the rebirth and the overcoming of the dualities which regulate and limit the human existence." - phew! The death and rebirth motif runs through this stunning EP, 'Illuminant' being the death and 'Glory' being the rebirth. But, enough of this existentialism, to the music.
'Illuminant (Slowly We Dissolve) is a masterpiece - starting with a quiet drone and pounding tribal drums and clicking percussion. Distant shamanic chants can be heard in the background. Over its 12 minute length things slowly dissolve as per the title...the drums are subsumed into the chants and things become very still, only for it to rise once more. The intriguing mix and layering of ethnic voices and drums with experimental electronica makes for a stunning track. I've listen to 'Illuminant...' many, many times and it never loses it power to mesmerise and thrill. I will be very surprised if this does not end up being one of my tracks of the year. 'Glory (I'll Show You Light Now)' is more drone based - rich, dense and absorbing. A voice, shouting in the distance adds a touch of disquiet to proceedings...“We stand upright/Our head above the heavens/Our feet below the hells”.
I don't know who PASSED is, but I do know that he has produced an EP of genius that is a shining example of the intelligent, creative and beguiling music that is coming out of Italy at the moment. 'Illuminant/Glory' comes as a single-sided 12" (with a very limited edition with laser etched b-side). Both the download and the physical format can be bought via the Boring Machines Bandcamp site. It is also now available from this blog's shop Dayz of Purple.
1997EV - Love Symposium Alien Spider

1997EV is the brainchild and musical vehicle of Andrea Ev, an alumni of the ace Hermetic Brotherhood of Lux-Or. 'Love Symposium Alien Spider' is nigh impossible to neatly sum takes so many varying influences and techniques. 'drysun acid' is based on a repeating, industrial based rhythm that brings to minds The Swans, especially when the sparse vocals are is hypnotic and positively trance inducing. 'post-organic lullaby' is more hauntological based with a simple 'fairground' melody over some hushed vocals, whereas 'magnetospleen' is a lysergically charged number with guitar loops, more industrial drums and hushed vocals. 'oceanic' is reminiscent of the neo-folk material of Douglas Pearce's 'Death In June' (except without the dubious imagery) and 'ologramatic' follows the same vein of dark folk but with the addition of some swirling drones. 'black christine' starts with more hauntological imagery - eerie bells chime over dark drones giving it a real horror score vibe. The crashing percussion gives it a real atmosphere of dread and forboding, especially with the whispered vocals.....brilliant stuff!. 'sleepstone' closes the album in an equally spooky manner...female spoken word over drones and muted chattering imbuing proceedings with a another soundtrack vibe....all very Giallo, which is a very fine thing indeed.
'Love Symposium Alien Spider' is a truly great album, filled to the brim with ideas and different approaches, all of which work well. The disparate influences of industrial, neo-folk, experimental and hauntology make for a potent mix and an album that will stay with you for a long time. It is available as a vinyl LP or download from the Boring Machines Bandcamp site. It is also now available from this blog's shop Dayz of Purple.
Everest Magma - Modern/Antique

Everest Magma's 'Modern/Antique' is a different kettle of fish. It is the work of the man behind Rella The Woodcutter, a Boring Machines artist of some years. The album is a study in the electronic manipulation of sound utilising a "bunch of machines, tape recorders and pedal effects". Over the course of the six tracks we are treated to a cornucopia of treated sounds, loops and experimental drones. What separates this from many other experimental recordings are the addition of beats that bring a cohesion and structure to the tracks, in very much the same way that Bryn Jones did with his Muslimgauze recordings ('Maigam Aleer' with its use of ethnic beats and snippets of voices could have been taken straight from Jone's back catalogue - high praise indeed!).It all makes for a more challenging listen, but no less satisfying.
'Modern/Antique' is a prime example of how Boring Machines place the emphasis firmly on quality rather than specific approaches. It offers much if you are willing to fully immerse yourself in it. Again it is available as a vinyl LP or download via the label's Bandcamp site.
Boring Machines continues to be one of the more innovative and thoughtful of the all the labels out there. It's roster includes some genuinely talented and creative acts that intrigue and beguile.....congratulations on the 10 years and here's to many, many more!
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