Review: The Wise Dude's Revolver - Here The Sun EP

The Wise Dude's Revolver are six..ahem..dudes from France (Metz and Nancy to be exact) and they have produced an EP of fuzzy, shoegaze-y neo-psych that is engaging, intelligent and well worth half an hour of anyone's time (and preferably a bit of dollar too).
'John Dies At The End' opens the EP and is probably the most interesting track...a simple but cool central riff, some spacey 'wooshes' building into a reverb-drenched jam and then breaking down again, building yet again, this time with vocals. Just when you think it's over...silence followed by some spooky electronics and an even spookier female voice, complete with maniacal laugh... and then straight back into the jam. A very fine track.
The rest of the EP continues in this vein.. some tracks sound like 80/90s shoegaze, some have a touch of the Floyds ('Eleanor', complete with some fab wah-wahs and fuzz)and some sound like Julian Cope (the vocals on EP closer 'And Here Comes The Sun' sound at times like the archdrude himself circa 'Kilimanjaro.) Some are more shoegaze than psych and some vice versa, but the fuzz and the reverb is pretty central...they would not be out of place on the wonderful 'Reverb Conspiracy' series.
This really is a great little EP and it's nice to see some good neo-psych coming from France, a country shamefully much over-looked musically. 'Here The Sun' EP can be found on the band's bandcamp page...check it out.
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