Review: Bad Guys - Bad Guynaecology

The press sheet for this states "Recorded in a snake pit, in a quarry, on top of a mountain, in the desert, at night, during a thunderstorm" so you've got a pretty good idea what's coming. This new album from Bad Guys is released in March by the lovely people over at Riot Season and it rocks hard!
Let's get one thing straight...this is not a 'clever' album, everything from the LP title to the songs themselves ('Crime' 'Prostitutes')smack of a band not interested in attracting the beard-stroking, lyric-pondering cognescenti but rather people who just like balls-out, riff driven rock. The LP does actually cover a lot of territory; 'World Murderer' is a sludgy, doom number complete with Sabbath riffs, while 'Zoltan' has the drive and attitude of hardcore punk. 'Reaper' is pure Maiden metal (I've always had a soft spot for Maiden). Other tracks are a bit more bluesy ('Fabled Succubus')and some are pure thrash ('Motorhome'). All the tracks have nous and, musically, they achieve what they set out to. To add some gloss it was produced by Jaime Gomez Arellan, who has produced, amongst others, Cathedral and Ghost...that's some track record in metal circles.
This is an album without pretense; it doesn't set out to be a classic of the genre or an album to be lauded in decades time, it's just some mates having a good time knocking out some good old-fashioned rock....and I rather enjoyed it! So, if you like your music heavy and in your face then this is an album you'll wanna check out..
It will be available from Riot Season in March. To get you in the mood, here's 'Witness A New Low' from their first LP.
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