Review: Knall – Raubkatze auf 12 Uhr

One of the joys in this weird, whacked out world is listening to some top-notch, improvised psychedelic jamming...and it doesn't get much better than Knall. They are one of the many German groups that mine a rich seam of space/psych/kraut rock and whose aim is to "improvise to the depths of the universe.". Their last album ('Alienfunk' - reviewed here) was 'informed, atmospheric and absorbing' and 'Raubkatze auf 12 Uhr' is no different. It also sees the band linking up with the Tonzonen label once more.
Opener 'Raubkatze' starts with the sound of a single chord repeated and what sounds like a rusty door opening before everything settles into a slow groove; the bass throbs and the drums crash under the repetitive guitar. The unmistakable Knall spacey/psych vibe is soon in full flow, the guitar of Baal ringing clear and bright. The mix of the repetitive and the free-ranging works well, the solid structure allowing space for the inventive improvisation. The track increases in tempo as it progresses and becomes more straight-up space rock and damn good space rock at that! 'Derwisch' is full of the same pounding drums and ace guitar slinging....but sounds a lot 'bigger' than the opener, more deep fuzz and decidedly more is a big, juicy slice of improvised psych. 'Fell' is the longest track at a shade over 15 minutes and is another huge track, packed to the gunwales with rich, fuzzy guitar, spacey electronica and that ever-reliable rhythm section. It is a fantastic showcase for the improvisational skills of these guys...seamless, fluid and positively oozing class. 'Graf Gammel' has a jazzier feel to it, mainly due to some inspirational drumming from Dennis Gockel and some groove laden bass. 'Sightseeing' is probably my fave on the album....plenty of spacey effects and some virtuoso guitar make up a track that packs a psych is a driving track that is the very epitome of acid jamming....class! 'Seaweed' follows on and is another groove laden offering that grows and grows over the course of its 9 minutes until it has evolved into a real wah-wah fest, groovy and intoxicating. 'Catwalk' starts in a sombre way...slow, fuzz drenched bass accompanied only by simple drums. Other elements are gradually introduced; some synths and percussion and eventually some more lush wah-wah. It all goes to create an almost noirish atmosphere, rich and evocative and yet still unmistakably 'acid'. 'Catwalk' initially adopts a different stanch...less fluid and more staccato in feel, thanks mainly to little stabs of electronica and syncopated sounding drums but with some more excellent guitarwork. The album is closed with 'Lachs' and some sublime opening guitar licks...crystal clear and ringing. As the rest of the band rise up and join the guitar, the track grows and morphs into coalesced mass of groovy bass lines, tribal drums, spacey synths and that primo guitar.
There are some superlative improvisational 'jam' bands around at the moment....some rely on sheer power and gusto while others are more reliant on tone and musicality...Knall fall into that second camp, they ply their trade in intelligent psychedelic jamming that is built on the musicianship of the players. There are moments of pure heaviness but many more where the sheer richness of the music shines through, leaving the listener feeling fully sated and satisfied. 'Raubkatze auf 12 Uhr' is a damn fine album with plenty to enjoy and in which to revel and may well be their best yet. The album is available from the Tonzonen webstore here and comes as a double album in 180g vinyl. It can also be streamed and bought as a download via the Knall bandcamp page here.
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