Review: Blown Out - Superior Venus

It's becoming increasingly difficult to review Blown Out..'Superior Venus' is the fifth album of theirs to appear on these pages and frankly I'm running out of space analogies! I've dallied with other approaches: football ('heavier than Arsene Wenger's heart'), 'popular' culture ('denser than the cast of TOWIE') even food ('fuckin' epicurian' - apologies to FB buds who have already seen that bon mot!) but they just don't cut the mustard. So I'm just gonna let the music speak for itself...Blown Out need no analogies, similes or metaphors....they fuckin' rock and that's all you need to know! Yet again it is the fantastic Riot Season records who bring us this latest instalment in the Blown Out legacy.
As usual the album is comprised of two tracks totalling some 31 minutes of the reverberating, fuzzed out space rock that has become their calling card. 'Impious Oppressor' opens with a clear drumbeat and some static feedback that sounds incredibly Bauhaus, but t is mere seconds before the guitar of Mike Vest lets rip with some more of those roiling riffs that not so much burst from the speaker than rip 'em to shreds. The band (Vest along with Matt Baty (drums) and John-Michael Headly (Bass)) have honed their art over the last half a dozen or so outings to the point of pretty much perfection - the guitar/drums/bass combo work in perfect synch, almost as though they are telepathically linked. The rhythm section build rock solid structures over which Vest can weave his magic. 'Superior Venus' sees the tempo drop a tad, relying more on hazy atmosphere and ringing guitar to build a soundscape that immerses and cocoons the listener. That's not to say this is in anyway lighter; there is an intrinsic density to Blown Out's recordings that shake the foundations and, certainly in my case, get the neighbour banging on the wall - philistine!.
Blown Out really are on top of their game on 'Superior Venus' has all that you expect from their records; the majestic Vest guitar, deep, rumbling bass that threatens to cave your chest in and solid, metronomic drums keeping it all together. There is no other word than majestic! 'Superior Venus' can be purchased via the Riot Season Bandcamp or Big Cartel sites....and if you know anyone who is not a Blown Out admirer, buy 'em one, tie them to a chair and play on repeat until they get the message....Blown Out are simply one of the best bands out there.
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