Review: Kill West - Kill West EP

I would imagine that every record collector, vinyl lover or music fan in general has dreamt of starting a record label; the power to put out exactly the type of music you like - it's a recurring dream of mine. Alas, I have neither the balls of steel or the business acumen necessary which is why I am full of admiration for people who do - the love and passion for the music is obvious and infectious - Cardinal Fuzz and Great Pop Supplement are prime examples. We can now add another to the ranks - Drone Rock Records - who states on the website: "Being an avid record collector and a massive fan of the dirgier end of the music spectrum it’s always been a dream of mine to put a record out." This blog salutes you and wishes you huge success!
Drone Rock have just released their debut record - the self titled EP by Kill West. Kill West are a bunch of miscreants from Buenos Aires, Argentina and they play an intoxicating blend of garage, psych & drone, with a sprinkling of surf all drenched in reverb so thick it oozes out of the speakers - it's a fine, fine way to launch a label!
'Highway Mind' has a distinct Black Rebel Motorclub Club vibe to it but with added twang and coolness - imagine if Dick Dale had dressed in black and was a badass mutherfucker and joined the Jesus And Mary Chain. 'Freedom Ride' carries on in the same vein. 'Lazy Eye' adds another layer of density with the vocals buried just a bit deeper and the reverb even thicker. 'Silver Trees' is probably the most out-and-out psychedelic of the tracks - the vocals carry more of the melody and the guitars have a real seventies tinge....and again there's that reverb!! 'Sighs',at a shade over eight and a half minutes, is the longest track. It has ringing guitars over some wonderful drones and a real motorik drumbeat - heaven!
This is a rock solid debut release for Drone Rock and if the quality of releases matches 'Kill West' then they are gonna be a real force to be reckoned with. 'Kill West' EP is available from the Drone Rock Records it quickly, I would imagine copies are flying out!
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