Review: Craang - To The Estimated Size Of The Universe

Craang are a band of whom I know nothing - except that they are from Greece, they like a bit of onomatopoeia (they are apparently named after the sound of guitar strings being struck)and that they have produced a record that is as heavy and fuzzy as fuck. Released on vinyl via Pink Tank Records, 'To The Estimated Size Of The Universe' pulls off the near impossible - a psychedelic stoner record that is both psychedelic and stoner!
Actually, to be fair to the band, giving this album the psychedelic stoner label is doing a disservice to it's scope and ambition; there's some space rock, some doom and some top-notch freaking out. There is nothing slow about opener 'Slo Forward Jam', it launches straight into some heavy, spacey jamming, complete with some throbbing bass and wah-wahs. 'Butterfly' adds some reverb-drenched vocals to the mix, laid over some distorted bass and more serious riffage. 'Magnolia' starts as a pretty straight forward excursion into stoner territory before some nice psych guitars play the track out. The standout track, without doubt, is 'The Meteorian' - the album's 'epic' track. Slow to build, but build it does with some bass and low end guitar - some spacey effects are added for a real space rock vibe and more muted vocals. The track slowly unravels into a maelstrom of noise worthy of Ufomammut (no small compliment in my view!).
What makes this record all the more impressive is that it is the band's debut, but it feels like an accomplished third or fouth LP from a band that have been around the block a few times. It's fair to say that Craang are a band I will be keeping an eye on.
The vinyl is available from Pink Tank and digitally from the bands Bandcamp page.
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