Review: God Unknown Singles Club Volume 1 - Gnod/Eternal Tapestry

God Unknown Records is run by Jason Stoll of Liverpudlian psychsters Mugstar. In a stroke of genius they have set up a subscription only 7" singles service. "Ten beautifully designed split 7" singles packaged and delivered to your door over the space of a year from mind benders and ear rupturers such as Acid Mother's Temple, Gnod, White Hills, Mugstar, Oneida, Teeth of the Sea, Eternal Tapestry, Lorrelle and Obsolete, Cloudland Canyon, Disappears, Mind Mountain, White Manna, Bardo Pond" (taken from the God Unknown bandcamp page)
The first in the series, a split with Gnod and Eternal Tapestry, was waiting on my doormat on my return from work - oh happy day - and it was well worth the wait. It is beautifully packaged and sounds even better.
To call Gnod a band is being far too simplistic, the word collective would probably be nearer the mark, maybe cabal would be nearer still. They have been releasing their own brand of Salford based krautrock for a few years now and their gigs have become things of legend .Their track on this 7", 'The World Is Good', has a definite kosmische feel to it; a simple drum beat driving it along with some skronky sax and understated melody. It;s not as psyche heavy as early releases but continues the more experimental ethos of 'Chaudelande'. Still not sure whether I felt exhilarated by this track or embued with a sense of dread, but bottom line is I don't care, I love it! - Gnod have taken another step in cementing their position as the foremost purveyor of krauty goodness in the UK.
Portland psychedelic/experimental dudes Eternal Tapestry are almost mainstream compared to Gnod, having been signed to Thrill Jockey for a while, but this has by no means diluted their blistering psych. 'The Dream' is an enthralling slice of psychedelic loveliness - some cool guitar work and hushed vocals leaving the listener in a state of bliss-out peace.
If the next 9 God Unknown singles in this subscription are half as good as this then we are in for hell if a ride, and I for one, can't wait for the next one to land on my mat.
God Unknown Records (Bandcamp)
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