Review: 2 From Fruits Der Mer - The Chemistry Set / Stay

Fruits Der Mer are one of those labels on which you can always rely...every release is top quality and it's found itself a cosy little niche in the current psychedelic arena - a niche inhabited by people who revere and worship at the altar of well-crafted songs and lyrical nostalgia. The label's strapline says it all : "it's as if the last 40 years never happened". September sees the release of two singles by bands that have both graced these pages previously...and they are both heavenly trips back in time.
The Chemistry Set - Lovely Cuppa Tea
The Chemistry Set are legends in the British pantheon of psychedelia, plying their trade in sparkling psychedelic pop for some 30 years now. They have also pretty much been mainstays on the FdM roster (including a superb cover of 'See Emily Play' - still one of my favourite ever cover versions.) September 25th sees the release of their new single on FdM and it's a cracker. 'Lovely Cuppa Tea' sees the band channel the spirit of The Kinks on a quirky tribute to the good ol' British cuppa. It's primarily a comic tale but it is also exceptionally well crafted, as one would expect, and is as British as a rainy weekend in Rhyll or saying the opposite to what you mean. 'The Rubicon' is a whole different kettle of fish; a stinging anti-establishment tirade with some ace organ and a brilliant fury filled guitar solo. The juxtaposition of these two tracks shows the skill and versatility of The Chemistry Set. The third track on the single is a glorious cover of The Moody Blues' 'Legend Of A Mind', a paean to LSD guru Timothy Leary. They capture the spirit of the original but give it their own unique twist. For a 7" single there is an awful lot packed in and, all in all, is another sublime outing for the band. It is released on September 25th but can be pre-ordered on the FdM site here.
Stay - Always Here
Spanish band Stay appeared on these pages with the release of their 'The Mean Solar Times' album (read the review here) and 'Always Here' is actually a cut from that self same album. That and another Stay original, along with 3 cover versions, make up this great little single (as well as a DVD of the making of the album). 'Always Here' is a lovely tribute to British psychedelia of the sixties - well crafted with a lilting melody. The Bee Gee's 'Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You' is the first of the covers, and I freely admit at this stage that I am not au fait with the original but this version is great, and say what you will about The Bee Gee's - they knew how to pen a song!. There is some wonderful organ on the track that adds some sixties authenticity and it all adds up to a great little track. Next up is a cover of the godlike Kink's 'Where Have All The Good Times Gone'. You have to be brave, stupid or very sure in your own capabilities to cover a Kinks song, and I'm glad to say this version falls firmly in the last is a loving version that takes the original's charm and verve and adds their own brand of sixties psych (including more of that great organ). Next up is another Stay original - 'You Know It's Right' which is a brilliant little Byrdsian track with added guitars by Andy Bell (he of Ride and O***s). As if to press home their confidence in covering classics, the single is wrapped up with 'Rock and Roll Woman' by the legendary Buffalo Springfield and again they more than do it justice...they are more than comfortable in swapping between classic British psych and a more laid back West Coast vibe. Stay have appeared on FdM previously, some 4 years ago, and I sincerely hope it's not another 4 years until they follow up this great collection of classic psychedelia. It is also released September 25th but the single and DVD can be pre-ordered via the FdM site here.
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