Review: The Space Spectrum - Drone Jams Vol II

This year is going to be notable for many things: possibly the most shambolic general election ever, the total collapse of the Tory Party (well, not yet but fingers crossed), the increasing rise of religious intolerance etc etc. On a more optimistic note, from a music perspective, it will also go down as the year that Brighton's Drone Rock Records REALLY came into its own - what with releases from the mighty Earthling Society, a cracker from Zofff and the stupendous Stupid Cosmonaut album and a glance at the label's webstore and the 'Sold Out' signs hanging from these releases.....'nuff said! Their next release revisits their sophomore offering from The Space Spectrum...'Drone Jams Vol II' unsurprisingly following on from 'Vol I'....and if you liked the first one then you will love this one!
'Cosmic Highway' sets us on the road to psych jam nirvana right from the get-go, weaving a vibrant tapestry of psychedelia with flecks of krautrock running throughout. You can hear traces of the extended jams Amon Duul II and, more contemporary, Sylvester Anfang but the band bring their own character to the music as if to say 'this music is ours'!. It is a masterful display of jamming and frankly were the album just made up of this track I would still be happy! 'Godshaker' is a much shorter track and, as befits its title, a tad 'harder'. It is more obviously krautrock, thanks in no small part to the organ-like keyboard refrains that run through it like a seam of precious metal. The drums are pummeled like there's no tomorrow and the bass throbs providing an almost organic framework for the heavy duty fuzz of the guitar (and some ace wah-wah to boot!) 'Dance Tambourines' sees things move into different territory; the bass is almost dub and the guitar takes on an almost neo-psych aspect. The whole tone is more relaxed but no less intoxicating..there is a motorik rhythm under the ringing guitar that is positively mesmeric. 'The Head Nodding King' (great title!) is another awesome slice of psych/kraut jamming of Brobdingnagian proportions. There is a layer of heavy fuzz that envelops the track like a cocoon and the motorik rhythm is once again hypnotic. The power of the track is get dragged into it's hypnagogic clutches but only when you listen does the power shine through...the guitars are heavy with a whiff of unbridled electricity about them and the whole thing is like being punched in throat by a cottonwool covered boxing glove...majestic stuff...and it's even got one of those false finishes where you draw breath only to be bombarded by a denouement of mythical size.
I really dug 'Drone Jams Vol I' with it's focused rawness but 'Vol II' is a beast of a different colour. The rawness has been replaced by a tightness that pays testament to the guys' art but the restraint is still there...where other bands may be tempted to freak out these guys keep it focused and controlled. This seems to enhance the jams if anything...relying on measured doses of power and heaviness rather than throwing the kitchen sink at it. Simply put it is a brilliant album full of delicious psych/kraut jams. Here's hoping there's a 'Vol III' down the line. Once more, kudos to Drone Rock. The album is available in Red or Splatter vinyl from the Drone Rock webstore here.
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