Review: Prana Crafter - MindStreamBlessing

I think it's time to take to the tempo down a notch or two and no better way of doing that that via the blissful musings of Prana Crafter. Prana Crafter is one William Sol, denizen of the Pacific North West of the US and is purveyor of some of the most beautiful and, as mentioned, blissful music you'll hear and a damn fine fellow. He has appeared on these pages previously with his 'Ruptured Planes' CD (released on the ace Deep Water Acres label.) 'MindStreamBlessing' is equally as alluring as 'Ruptured Planes'; rich in textures and atmospheres and aurally stunning. This time around it is released on tape via Eiderdown Records.
Right from the get go 'At Agarthas Gate' envelopes the listener in rich guitar tones somewhat reminiscent of the great Loren Connors. Its downbeat tempo could be mistaken for melancholia but there is an inherent joy in the lilting melody and tranquil vibe...truly a lush and beautiful track. 'As The Weather Commands' sees proceedings taken up a notch...the crystal clear guitar of 'At Agarthas Gate' is replaced by something a whole lot fuzzier and 'psych'. There is an eastern motif running through it, both in melody and the primitive sounding percussion and everything combines to create a track that takes the ethos of seventies heavy psych and wraps it up in layers of ethnic atmospheres. 'Prajna Pines' benefits from some superlative guitar picking...slow-burning and reflective, the track is simply constructed but has it's own power, certainly not the power of a blitzkreig guitar attack, but a more ethereal power that envelopes and immerses the listener. Title track 'MindStreamBlessing' adds some drones to another tract of exemplary guitar picking..the drone serving to underscore the guitar and add another layer to the sound. 'Luminous Clouds' opens with the rumble and crack of a thunderstorm before the drone / guitar combo seem to calm the storm. Like a forest after a storm, there is a stillness that is hypnotic and entrancing, even when the tempo picks up it is nothing short of blissful. At this point I will make an admission - I've liked Sol's musical output for a while now, but I never realised just how good a guitarist he is...I've long recognised the creativity and the ability to weave sonic tapestries, but the guitar on 'MindStreamBlessing' is superb! 'Bardo Nectar' closes the album and is probably my favourite on the album....I can't seem to shake the Loren Connors reference (and anyone who is familiar with Connors will know that this is a big compliment!)...the same richness of tone and the same ability to say so much with such a small palette.
'MindStreamBlessing' is a wonderfully evocative and atmospheric collection of songs, superbly realised by Sol. Each and every track is blissful and taken all together they reflect the beauty of the Pacific North West that Sol calls home. Another exceptional addition to a highly impressive cannon of work! 'MindStreamBlessing' is available on tape and as a download from the Eiderdown Records Bandcamp page here.
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