Review: BC Grimm - Orbis Obscura

Another artist of whom I knew very little, if anything, before an email introduction, and another artist whose future output I will be following avidly! BC Grimm is one Brian Grimm, denizen of Madison, Wisconsin (one of the few areas of the US I know moderately well). Grimm is a classically trained cellist, composer and aficionado of all manner of Chinese music and instruments, and it is with his 'Chinese' hat on that he has produced 'Orbis Obscura', a "35 minute "sci-fi tone poem" for Pipa (Chinese lute) with delay & fuzz pedals". He concisely describes it as an 'ambient odyssey' but it is so much more - a totally immersive, blissed-out trip that transports the listener away to distant climes...simply beautiful!
Starting as it means to go on with some delightfully squelchy drones and some ethereal noises emanating from the Pipa via DigiTech Obscura Altered Delay & Boss Fuzz FZ-3 pedals (from whence the title originates), 'Orbis Obscura' skilfully combines eons old indigenous instrumentation with modern technology to produce music that would perfectly soundtrack an arthouse sci-fi movie. One can pick up traces of Tangerine Dream at times, Nurse with Wound at others and even flashes of musique concrete and Delia Derbyshire, however it remains accessible and damned enjoyable. As the track progresses the drones get heavier and denser, threatening to engulf things completely, but Grimm always ensures that it doesn't become a Lustmord-like slab of dark ambience, and glimmers of 'sci-fi' noises bleed through the drones. Over the course of the 35 minutes it totally immerses the listener in wave upon wave of gorgeous drones and otherworldly noises - utterly bewitching.
'Orbis Obscura' is available on CD via Other Obscura Records, a label that "exists to release and promote the compositions and improvisations of artists in Milwaukee, Madison and the surrounding areas.". It is also available as a download via the Other Obscura Bandcamp page here.
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