Ten Of The Best: Keith Jones (Fruits de Mer Records)

This week's Ten Of The Best comes courtesy of Keith Jones, the main man at the wonderful Fruits de Mer records. Fruits de Mer are a national treasure, keeping the spirit of sixties/seventies psych alive and well. The FdM back catalogue is full of the weird, the wonderful and the just straight brilliant and so a visit to the website is thoroughly recommended.
Keith says of his list: "I've ended up going for 10 albums from the 60s that still mean a lot to me - albums I get a buzz out of listening to nearly 50 years after they were first released, with hardly an embarrassing moment between them!
They're all drenched in studio effects, which i love, and they're all classed as 'psychedelic' by people who know a lot more about these things than me, although maybe one or two edge towards prog in places..."
SF Sorrow - The Pretty Things
Ogden's Nut Gone Flake - The Small Faces
Revolver - The Beatles
S/T - The United States Of America
An Electric Storm - White Noise
On The Threshold Of A Dream - The Moody Blues
Music In a Doll's House - Family
This Is Touch - Touch
Satanic Majesties - The Rolling Stones
In The Court Of The Crimson King - King Crimson
"...and it didn't quite fit, but: A Wizard, A True Star - Todd Rundgren is truly mind-blowing in my book"
Cheers Keith, a fine list!
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